2. What are one or two major challenges YOU are dealing with today? What are you
doing about them?
Personally i am dealing with some stressful things ad peer pressure but being a ctr person has helped me say no to drugs no matter how much things have on my mind.
3. How does being a CTR person help you to overcome any challenge you may face?
Being a ctr person will help because no matter what happens they will never resolve into drugs or lustful actions.
4. How can you help other teens to overcome their challenges?
Personally i can help by being supportive and giving the person struggling my sincere advise.
Problems that teenagers are faced with today are multifarious but interrelated in many cases. One problem invites another, then to more problems. Parents, teachers and other guardians should be well aware of the problems that today's teenagers are facing and be prepared to eliminate the problems to their best abilities.
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